Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Heart and the Bottle

Every now and then a children's picture book is published that manages to resonate to both the adult and child reader. The Heart and the Bottle is such a book, by a favourite children's author and illustrator of mine - Australian born, Irish raised and Brooklyn based Oliver Jeffers .
The Heart and the Bottle tells a tale dealing with the difficult themes of love and loss, showing the reader that ultimately no matter how much someone important in your life is missed, hope and change are always around the corner. A very special book! The preface pages are especially lovely.

Be sure to check out this little peek into Oliver Jeffers ' world. I am happy to hear him mention the word 'filim' - one that my of Irish descent yet 6th generation Australian father uses to this day for some very strange (but always entertaining) reason.
And by the way - Happy St Patrick's Day!

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